Monday, May 31, 2010

Bold & Beautiful... St Patrick's Fine Arts Division 1 students

My most recent school visit with the TREX program was to St. Patrick's Fine Arts Elementary in Lethbridge. The Grades 1s,2s & 3s took to working with construction paper to emulate the style and technique of the "Direction(s)" exhibit that was on display in their hallways. After a brief presentation on colour theory, my artistic influences and a Q & A with the kids, they were very enthusiastic to get started on their own abstractions! The results speak for themselves...

In the midst of creating... St Pat's Grades 1, 2 & 3

St. Patrick's Fine Arts Elementary Grades 1, 2 & 3

Grades 1, 2 & 3 students created some non-objective works of Art using coloured construction paper. The black background is meant to simulate a loose 'drip' grid-work, stained glass or mosaic look.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

St. Patrick's Fine Arts Elementary May 2010

Derek Lidstone, St. Pat's teacher, decided to take his turn at the 'drip-drive' creative process. There was no shortage of interesting and dynamic student works created at St. Pat's.

Every student had their own signature style and approach to the 'drip-drive' process. Their usage of colour was especially individual; unique.

Two student works hang beside 'Flitter', a Gustav Klimt inspired painting in the "Direction(s)" exhibit.

Two St. Pat's student works hang above two of the "Direction(s)" exhibit paintings.

Students at St. Patrick's elementary captured in a state of inspiration and creativity...

Dripping in every "DIRECTION"...

I recently had the opportunity to work with grades 4,5 and 6 students at St. Patrick's Fine Arts elementary school in Lethbridge. After a short slide presentation, a viewing of the "Direction(s)" exhibit and a brief lesson on colour theory, the students took to making their own 'drip-drive' creations. The results were nothing less than exceptional!